By Alissa Kolarik - Mohawk Social Media
I'm not crafty. I'm the type that pins really neat crafty things
to my "Home Decor" Pinterest board and then buys something similar
at Target when I see it. This is probably not the best way to
start off a DIY/How To post, but maybe it is, because this project
is simple and can be done by anyone.
Here is what is needed for this project:
Behlen Solar
Lux Stain in Jet Black (or any other color of your
Craft Paint/Stencils (We used DayGlo paint, but you can use
anything you like)
A wooden plank
Sandpaper (this just needed a light
sanding so I used 100 grit)
Knobs (We used 8)
Square Bend
Screw Hooks (We used 2)
Wall Hanging
First things first - go get what you need for this project. You
can order it all online or you can go to the store and buy it
locally. I went to the store for most of it (besides the
Behlen stain), which should be simple, but I somehow ended up
getting lost in Home Depot and buying a table lamp in Target while
shopping for project essentials (don't even ask how I ended up at
Target. I'm not even really sure). I did it though (and so can
you!) - here are your step by step instructions:
1. Sand your board. The pre-made boards say they are ready for
any finish, but sand it to ensure the surface is smooth just in

2. Stain it! Use your brush and your amazing Behlen stain and
brush it on. It dries really quickly and is foolproof, unless
you're me, in which case you will mess something up. I dumped it
everywhere, but that's the only mistake I made.

3. Let it dry and while it's drying, think about the design or
words you want to put onto it. I opted for a chevron design, but I
also thought about stenciling on something like "Just Keep

4. Stencil on your design. I traced mine first, and then used
painters tape to tape around the stenciling and to help keep
myself inside the lines when I painted.
5. Paint inside the lines. Or try to.
6. Let it dry, and then figure out how you want to space your
hooks (for bibs) and knobs (for medals). Use measuring tape and
pencil on where you need to drill your holes. We
measured my smallest race bib and spaced the square bend screw
hooks according to that, and then cut the slots in the larger bibs
to so that they would fit on as well.
7. Pre drill the holes where you need the hooks and knobs to go
and then put them on. This was the first time I had ever used a
drill and I think I did pretty well! The knobs go on the bottom,
for hanging your medals. The square bend screw hooks go on the top,
for the bibs.

8. Add hanging hardware and hang it wherever your heart desires.
Mine is in my kitchen because my kids like seeing my medals and,
quite honestly, it was the best place to take a picture of

I really like the look of the Behlen stain over simply just
painting it, as the the stain lets the wood grain show through a
bit and gives it a more rustic look, as opposed to being matte like
paint would be. All in all, this project is one I am very proud of
and really glad I took the time to do.
That's it! It's pretty simple to make something you love instead
of buying something pre-made. Plus they don't sell medal racks at
Target (I would know).